Rules, price list and wishlist


It works like this:

If you are interested in buying ink samples, order by PM. Below is the price list, that is kept up-to-date with prices and inks available:

If you buy a bulk of ink (single colour), I'll consider individual lower prices - so you don't have to buy whole 90ml of Noodlers, if you want only 30 ml.
E.g. 30 ml of Noodlers Bad Blue Heron and Bad Belted Kingfisher (60ml total) would cost 12GBP + P&P.

If you want to try ink, which is not on the list, fill the wishlist form (PM is fine as well if you're lazy ;-)). I'll order any ink if enough people want it.

Wishlist form

5% for 10 to 15 samples
16 samples - cheapest one free (and one for every 15 samples above that)
Included in the price list

For ordering please send me an e-mail (or FPN/PWF message, if you are a registered user).

The sales are non-profit: 10% of profits are donated to Fountain Pen Network or charity (check news), and 90% towards new ink purchases for you to try!

Well, I get some profit after all - I enjoy using all these beutiful inks without having to pay for full bottles.
